
IsoTrack Pro Logo White


Get More out of Your Strength Testing with IsoTrack Pro


Isolate any muscle or muscle group for the most comprehensive strength testing available in a clinical setting with IsoTrack Pro

Isolate any muscle or muscle group for the most comprehensive strength testing available in a clinical setting with IsoTrack Pro

Perform isometric push or pull strength tests from any height, seated or standing. The IsoTrack Pro can simulate almost any functional requirement imaginable.

Perform isometric push or pull strength tests from any height, seated or standing. The IsoTrack Pro can simulate almost any functional requirement imaginable.

IsoTrack Pro's innovative Multi-Vector Alignment allows you to test the subject in any position while still maintaining isolation of muscle groups

IsoTrack Pro's innovative Multi-Vector Alignment allows you to test the subject in any position while still maintaining isolation of muscle groups

With the IsoTrack Pro Shelf Kit, you can easily test lift requirements to any height (lift boxes sold separately)

With the IsoTrack Pro Shelf Kit, you can easily test lift requirements to any height (lift boxes sold separately)

Perform manual dexterity tasks with the IsoTrack Comprehensive Kit

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Perform manual dexterity tasks with the IsoTrack Comprehensive Kit

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